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I received my Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill in 2018 under the supervision of Shrawan Kumar. After graduation I served as a visiting assistant professor in the department of mathematics at Bucknell University.

My thesis research was in the area of algebraic geometry and geometric representation theory. More specifically, I studied the cohomology and K-theory of flag varieties. Together, my advisor and I demonstrated positivity of the Schubert structure constants in torus-equivariant K-theory of Kac-Moody flag varieties. You can find links to my thesis and papers below.  

Research Papers:


Research Talks:


Bucknell University:

  • Calculus I: Math 201, Section 21 (Fall 2018)

  • Caluclus III: Math 211, Sections 5 and 6 (Fall 2018) 

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill:

  • Linear Algebra for Applications: Math 547, Section 1 (Summer 2017, Session 1) 

  • Discrete Mathematics: Math 381, Section 2 (Spring 2017) 

  • Discrete Mathematics: Math 381, Section 3 (Spring 2016)  

  • Discrete Mathematics: Math 381, Section 5 (Fall 2015) 

  • Calculus III: Math 233, Section 1 (Summer 2015, Session 2) 

  • Calculus I: Math 231, Section 1 (Summer 2014, Session 1) 

In August of 2016 I ran the week-long bootcamp on linear algebra for incoming graduate students at UNC.

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