I received my Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill in 2018 under the supervision of Shrawan Kumar. After graduation I served as a visiting assistant professor in the department of mathematics at Bucknell University.
My thesis research was in the area of algebraic geometry and geometric representation theory. More specifically, I studied the cohomology and K-theory of flag varieties. Together, my advisor and I demonstrated positivity of the Schubert structure constants in torus-equivariant K-theory of Kac-Moody flag varieties. You can find links to my thesis and papers below.
Research Papers:
Positivity in T-equivariant K-theory of flag varieties associated to Kac-Moody groups II (joint with Shrawan Kumar). Representation Theory 21, 35-60 (2017).
Positivity in T-equivariant K-theory of Kac-Moody flag varieties. (Ph.D. thesis)
Research Talks:
Southeastern Lie Theory X, University of Georgia (June 10, 2018)
AMS Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting, Special Session on Algebraic Geometry, Representation Theory, and Applications, Vanderbilt University (April 15, 2018)
AMS and MAA Joint Mathematics Meeting, Contributed Session on Algebraic Geometry, San Diego, CA (January 11, 2018)
Algebra Seminar, Rutgers University (December 6, 2017)
Algebra Seminar, University of Virginia (October 18, 2017)
Algebra Seminar, Virginia Tech (October 6, 2017)
Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Ohio State University (October 3, 2017)
Triangle Area Graduate Mathematics Conference, Duke University (April 23, 2017)
Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Duke University (March 31, 2017)
AMS Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting, Special Session on Geometric Methods in Representation Theory, College of Charleston (March 12, 2017)
Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar, North Carolina State University (January 30, 2017)
Triangle Area Graduate Mathematics Conference, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (December 3, 2016)
AMS Fall Southeastern Sectional Meeting, Special Session on Representations of Lie Algebras, Quantum Groups and Related Topics, North Carolina State University (November 13, 2016)
Algebra & Discrete Mathematics Seminar, University of California, Davis (October 3, 2016)
Bucknell University:
Calculus I: Math 201, Section 21 (Fall 2018)
Caluclus III: Math 211, Sections 5 and 6 (Fall 2018)
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill:
Linear Algebra for Applications: Math 547, Section 1 (Summer 2017, Session 1)
Discrete Mathematics: Math 381, Section 2 (Spring 2017)
Discrete Mathematics: Math 381, Section 3 (Spring 2016)
Discrete Mathematics: Math 381, Section 5 (Fall 2015)
Calculus III: Math 233, Section 1 (Summer 2015, Session 2)
Calculus I: Math 231, Section 1 (Summer 2014, Session 1)
In August of 2016 I ran the week-long bootcamp on linear algebra for incoming graduate students at UNC.